5 Quotes I’ve written to Motivate Myself — Try it once!

Being Jana
2 min readOct 6, 2023

Obviously, I’m not going to say anything new. It’s all about self-motivation.

It doesn’t matter, how many books you are reading, or watching motivational videos. The positivity should start with yourself. Yep, I’m trying to define Self-motivation.

The method I have taken to motivate myself is writing quotes. As a frequent book reader, it helped me to stay stronger on my odd days !!

These are some quotes I have written,

You have to be rejected for sometimes, to love that thing more than ever..

Maybe you don’t know everything, But believe that you know enough to survive !!

Failure is not a rejection. It’s a one more option to comeback with the power more than now..

Don’t blame others for your failure. Don’t praise yourself for your success.

Patience is the basic quality, If you need a long term victory !!

I won’t say these are unique. Every motivational speaker is saying the same thing that exists. Only the way of telling, and writing would be different based on their mindsets.

Thanks for reading !! ☺

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Being Jana

Author of - Much Needed Break, The Cameo Roles & Ex-Crush. Contact: janadev01@gmail.com